Ancram Writing

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Clare Kerr

I started writing during my time as a student at Oxford University and have continued on and off as life has allowed and driven me ever since. Having always been an avid reader of poetry and prose of every sort and kind, I have over the years tried my hand at most. Until now these efforts have remained private. I have now decided to share them more widely; hence this website.

They comprise a mixture of poems of different styles and emotions - including an 'epic' - as well as ‘thought’ pieces in prose, short stories, a children’s tale and songs - including some from an unpublished and unperformed musical ‘Mary Queen of Scots’. They reflect many of the phases and emotions of my life. I hope that they may interest and entertain.

Michael Ancram

© Copyright 2006 Michael Ancram
Site Design by Clare Kerr
All Rights Reserved